- Class axi_base_test
- : what if want to restart a seq?
- Member axi_driver::read_data ()
- : match read_data task in axi_monitor Instead it waits for a pkt in its mailbox. This packet will come from read_address once it has put the address out on the bus. The just continually waits for a valid and ready beat on the channel and stores it in that packet it got from read address. When rlast received, send out analysis port and goes back to waiting for next pkt from read address.
- Member axi_driver::write_response ()
- : this task needs to be cleaned up. it doesn't actually wait for response
- Member axi_if_abstract::disable_arready_toggle_pattern ()
- : what happens when disabled..
- Member axi_if_abstract::disable_awready_toggle_pattern ()
- : what happens when disabled..
- Member axi_if_abstract::disable_bready_toggle_pattern ()
- : what happens when disabled..
- Member axi_if_abstract::disable_rready_toggle_pattern ()
- : what happens when disabled..
- Member axi_if_abstract::disable_wready_toggle_pattern ()
- : what happens when disabled..
- Member axi_if_abstract::write_w (axi_seq_item_w_vector_s s)
- : is this parameter still used anywhere?
- Member axi_responder::write_address ()
- : clean up this task. Destroy that chain.
- Member axi_responder::write_data ()
- : clean up this task. Destroy that chain.
- Class axi_seq_item
- : this seq_item is laughably large. Don't judge me, I've seen your 'temporary' code too. ;)
- Member axi_seq_item::do_compare (uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer)
- : This function needs some attention.
- Member calculate_bus_aligned_address (input bit< C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0 > addr, input int bus_size)
- : bus_size could be byte instead of int?
- Member calculate_wrap_boundary (input bit< C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0 > addr, input bit< 2:0 > burst_size, input shortint burst_length, output bit< C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0 > Lower_Wrap_Boundary, output bit< C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0 > Upper_Wrap_Boundary)
- : simplify the logic needed for the math in this function
- Member driver_type_t
- : Split driver and responder into different components.