34 #include "uvm_macros.svh" 103 .burst_size(t.burst_size));
106 .burst_size (t.burst_size),
107 .burst_length (t.len));
202 .burst_size(t.burst_size));
205 .burst_size (t.burst_size),
206 .burst_length (t.len));
215 uvm_info(
216 $sformatf(
"addr:0x%0x number_bytes: %0d, araddr:0x%0x",
217 t.addr,2**t.burst_size, s.
automatic void b_from_class(input[ID_WIDTH-1:0] bid, input[2] bresp, output axi_seq_item_b_vector_s v)
take values from write response channel and stuff into a axi_seq_item_b_vector_s
bit< C_AXI_LEN_WIDTH-1:0 > calculate_axlen(input bit< C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0 > addr, input bit< 2:0 > burst_size, input shortint burst_length)
calculate awlen or arlen
automatic void ar_from_class(ref axi_seq_item t, output axi_seq_item_ar_vector_s v)
take values from an axi_seq_item and stuff into a axi_seq_item_ar_vector_s
logic< C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0 > bid
logic< C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0 > awid
This packed struct is used to send write address channel information between the DUT and TB...
automatic void aw_to_class(ref axi_seq_item t, input axi_seq_item_aw_vector_s v)
Pull values out of a axi_seq_item_aw_vector_s and stuffs them into an axi_seq_item.
bit< C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0 > calculate_burst_aligned_address(input bit< C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0 > address, input bit< 2:0 > burst_size)
calculate burst_size aligned address
logic< C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0 > arid
automatic void b_to_class(ref axi_seq_item t, input axi_seq_item_b_vector_s v)
return values from a axi_seq_item_b_vector_s and return an axi_seq_item
Config variable that tells axi_driver whether it is a master driver or slave driver(responder) ...
logic< C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0 > araddr
automatic void ar_to_class(ref axi_seq_item t, input axi_seq_item_ar_vector_s v)
Pull values out of a axi_seq_item_ar_vector_s and stuffs them into an axi_seq_item.
logic< C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0 > awaddr
logic< C_AXI_LEN_WIDTH-1:0 > awlen
logic< C_AXI_LEN_WIDTH-1:0 > arlen
automatic void aw_from_class(ref axi_seq_item t, output axi_seq_item_aw_vector_s v)
Pull values out of axi_seq_item and stuff into a axi_seq_item_aw_vector_s.
This packed struct is used to send write response channel information between the DUT and TB...
Command type - what is the purpose of this packet?
contains all data and functions related to axi and usage
This packed struct is used to send read address channel information between the DUT and TB...
Version 3 or Version 4.